Cheering You On!

Believe Better

Overcome life’s obstacles as your best self

Evolve into the best version of you

Barbara Mays
Hi friend! Welcome to the Thrive Matters Blog, a place to connect, innovate, inspire creativity, embrace our God-given purpose, and thrive through life’s challenges as our best selves.
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
– Maya Angelou

You Are Still Blooming
Hi Friends! You are always blooming. Growth is happening no matter what kind of day you’re having. Whether you’re having the best day of your life or a crazy day filled with all sorts of challenges – you’re still blooming.

Success by Reps
What would you think if I told you that it might take a few tries to achieve your goal? I hope that you would say that you’d step up and go for it anyway. The great thing to know about succeeding through repetition is that success will come, but you may have to go through some iterations to hit the target you are aiming for.

Perks of Being a Solopreneur
Solopreneurs have to dream big. Their faith and ambitions have to go BIG too. I suppose it’s because some people with big dreams get to employ teams to help implement them. Still, Solopreneurs primarily achieve their business goals independently and opt-in to hire help if and when needed.
- Episode 16: Success Tips for Career Transitions and Salary Negotiations
- Episode 15: Financial Growth Part 2
- Episode 14: Stay Safe!
- Episode 13: Level Up
- Episode 12: Overcoming Self -Doubt
- Episode 11: Financial Growth Part 1
- Episode 10: You Got This
- Episode 9: Mentorship
- Episode 8: Hey Girl, Hey!
- Episode 7: In My Feelings
- Episode 6: Who Do You Think You Are?
- Episode 5: This Time Next Year
- Episode 4: The Elephant in the Room
- Episode 3: The Travel Lounge
- Episode 2: You Didn’t Fail, You Reached!
- Episode 1: Thrive and Slay
We have the potential to do amazing things
Let’s go!